Articles on implementing common functions found in contemporary web sites on both the client and server side.
Bootstrap buttons not clickable!!!
Recently I noticed that the buttons on the landing page of this site were not clickable on mobiles and tablets. WTF?!
Read articleImplementing enumeration in JavaScript
This article covers implementing a rudimentary implementation of enumeration in JavaScript and ends with a real world use case of enumeration to track and update a web pages display.
Read articleRead query string values in JavaScript
We've all seen query strings in our browsers address bar, since the beginning of the internet to the present. Despite being a Web 1.0 technology query strings are still heavily utilized in contemporary sites and web applications. This article shows you how to read query string values using JavaScript.
Read articleCookie (GDPR) notices made easy
A guide on implementing a cookie or GDPR notice using nothing but HTML and JavaScript. All source code included as a download within the article.
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